Training of Tutors and VET professionals for high quality in Work Based Learning and Dual Learning 2018-2020

Aim and Objectives

The project “TOTVET  – Training of Tutors  and VET professionals for high quality  Work Based Learning and Dual Learning” is aiming  to  increase the professional competences of tutors and VET teachers  and and managers,   empower them to deliver a  quality training in work based learning  (WBL)  and dual learning (DL) systems.

The project will create an  innovative and integrative European Training Model, aiming to  improve the competences  of different categories of VET  professionals  involved in work based learning and dual learning.

Partners will establish the training Curriculum  for tutors and  trainers in company,  focused on   organizing  , planning and implementing training, assessing and of  trainees.

They will collect training/learning assessment materials from Internet and create new resources,  learning tools,  organized in a attractive form with links to additional resources, You tube videos, animations and  quizzes.

A  easy to navigate course, will be also built and made  available  on the project learning platform in the form in EN, RO, ES PL, DE.

Using the resources created, parteners will set up a  Massive Open Online Course  (MOOC), an  innovative pedagogical approaches of co-learning through co-creation,  based on digital integration in learning, aiming to train  the tutors and workplace trainers of  providing a good quality  work-based learning and dual learning .

The MOOC, lasts for six  weeks and will be delivered in Romania, Poland and Spain involving 150-200  participants recruited by partners ifrom the target groups in Romania, Poland and Spain,   tutors  and trainers  in workplace environments. Other VET professionals,  from Europe and all over world,  is expected to  subscribe via web.

To   attract  potential users for the MOOC,  5 National Seminars with 75  participants, will be organized in Romania, Poland and Spain   where  the  MOOC will be disseminated.

Before the  MOOC   will be delivered, during  a Joint short time staff training,   a  number of   20 trainers from partner organizations  and associated partners  will be trained   to  conduct activities in the MOOC  and facilitate  learning .  A  guidelines for MOOC facilitators, Facilitator Handbook ,  will be produced.

Partners will establish the Training methodology aiming at   developing  skills and competences  of VET teachers, staff and managers  for  planning,  implementing  and  quality assurance of WBL training programs,  assessment, validation, transfer and recognition of the learning outputs.

Face to face Training workshops will be organized   in Romania and  Poland and   75 -100 VET teachers, staff and managers  involved in WBL and DL  will be trained.


  • Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Dolj ,  Craiova , Romania


  • EDUNET Organization, Craiova, Romania
  • Casa Corpului Didactic Olt, Slatina, Romania
  • Center for Craft Support, Dual and Vocational Education in Poznan, Poland
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Zaragoza, Spain
  • BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH, Austria
  • IHK-ProjektgesellschaftmbH, Germany

Main results  

An innovative Training Model  and Curriculum, available on the project‘s web platform , which may be used by potential trainers to develop their own trainings;

A piloted and validated training methodology for VET professionals training, modules and training materials, available on the project learning platform, which can be used both for the VET  trainers,  for learning,  but also by trainers of trainers  to set up their own  trainings;

Training/learning/evaluation open  resources, available  on the project learning platform, which can be used for learners, tutors  and VET  trainers for their learning or by trainers of trainers  in their trainings;

Learning tools, available on the project learning platform  in five  languages (EN, RO, DE, PL, ES) in the form of an easy to navigate Online course to be used by tutors  and  trainers for online self learning and , or  downloaded as PDF documents and used  for offline learning;

An innovative online training methodology,  MOOC content, guidance documents as well as Good  practices of the course piloting,  methodology for training the MOOC facilitators  posted on the project web platform , which can be used by  training providers  and trainers of trainers to set up their own MOOCs;

A piloted and validated online course  (MOOC) , available on the Blackboard platform,   which can be further used by  tutors  and trainers for their self-paced learning;

A learning platform in five  languages and a community of stakeholders which create opportunity of accessing  all project  outputs and  of networking.

Website :

Erasmus This project was funded with the support of the European Commission under the Erasmus + VET Strategic Partnerships Program.