ME(U)MORIES 2010-2012
Aim and Objectives
The ME(U)MORIES project addressed senior citizens, promoting their active role in a local community, helps them to get up to speed with digital technology, improves their language skills and develops cross generation activities.
The project activities enabled two different generations to better understand one another and to promote both Community and European spirit providing seniors citizens with ICT training, especially courses for grandparents with the aid of their grandchildren, and organizeed social activities to engage the seniors both in the modern, digital world and in the social community life.
- EDUCAnet – Gymnasium a střední odborná škola Praha, s.r.o., Czech Republic
- EDUNET Organization, Romania
- AWO – Bildungszentrum, Preetz, Germany
- KATHO, Kortrijk, Beligium
- SOFOE Sante Social, Lyon , France
Main results
- ICT courses for senior citizens
- The Memory book is the main outcome of the project. It includes 5 chapters that seniors citizens produced and
accompanied with pictures from the past.
This project was funded with the support of the European Commission under the LLP-Leonardo da Vinci Learning Partnerships Program. |