Improving communication, intercultural and social skills for migrants who work as caregivers of elderly people in Europe. 2017-2019

Aim and Objectives

In the framework of the IENE 7 project, five partners from Romania, UK, Spain and Italy created an innovative European Model  based on the PPT/IENE   Model developed in  previous IENE 1-6 projects ( and a Curriculum for training migrants who work as caregivers of elderly people in Europe.

The main outputs of the project are the  Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)   and a  easy to navigate Course available on this website.

The  website provide access to a easy to navigate Course grouped in  four   units: Cultural awareness, Cultural sensitivity,  Cultural knowledgeCultural competences.

On the MOOC section, trainers may  download our innovative MOOC  model and  resources  and  set up their own  MOOC:  Methodology and  content of MOOC  ,    Guide  for instructors , the  Report of  piloting the  MOOC and Good  practices .


  • Edunet Organization Romania


  • Middlesex University London
  • Cyprus University of Technology
  • University of Almeria, Spain
  • University of Catania , Italy
  • EAS28 – Commune di Ortona,  Italy

Main results  

Training Model  and Curriculum,   available on project web platform,  which can downloaded  and used by potential trainers to develop their own trainings;

Learning tools, available  on the project learning platform  in four  languages (UK, IT, ES , RO) in form of a easy to navigate course to be used by the elderly caregivers for online learning

Training/learning/evaluation resources , available  on the project learning platform in PDF document  , which  can be used both for the learners, elderly caregivers, and the trainers in their trainings;

A Smartphone application  which can download from  the project website to  access the course by  mobiles  or tablets.

The  Masive Open Online Course (MOOC) , piloted and tested available on the Blackboard platform.

The content of MOOC  and learning activities as well as the methodology  and  guidance documents on how to set up a MOOC,  conduct learning, guide  for instructors , the  Report of the MOOC results and Good  practices are  posted on the project web platform  and trainers may  use  our innovative MOOC  or  to set up their own MOOC, using model, resources and experience.

Website :

Erasmus This project was funded with the support of the European Commission under the Erasmus + VET Strategic Partnerships Program.