Strengthening the nurses and health care professionals’ capacity to deliver culturally competent and compassionate care 2014-2016 |
Aim and Objectives
The ”IENE 4” project aimed to improve the quality of training for nurses and health care professionals to deliver compassionate and cultural competent care, which responds to the healthcare sector needs.
The project is focused on the following specific target groups:
• nurses and other health professionals;
• healthcare leaders: senior nurses and other health professionals, teachers and ward managers.
The specific objectives of the project were:
• To construct, pilot and implement a self assessment tool, “compassion measuring tool” (CMT);
• To design new training and work based learning model, for the development of compassion skills of nurses and health care professionals;
• To develop an intervention which will promote the learning, practice and support of compassion-in-practice;
• To evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention on service providers and users;
• To establish a network of people working on ‘compassion’ projects for knowledge share and co-creation of knowledge.
- Middlesex University, London, UK
- EDUNET Organization, Craiova, Romania
- University College Lillebaelt, Denmark
- Marmara University Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
- Universitat de Valencia, Polibienestar Research Institute, Valencia, Spain
- Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
Main results available at www.ieneproject.eu
- Report on integrative literature reviews EN
- Needs assessment report EN
- An European model for the development of role models to promote and support culturally competent and compassionate care EN
- Curriculum EN
- Report of the Tools EN
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This project was funded with the support of the European Commission under the Erasmus + VET Strategic Partnerships Program. |