The IENE 11 PROVAC project is a strong response to the important and actual European demand,  underlined  in  EU Strategy for COVID-19 vaccines to prepare health professionals as trusted sources of information on vaccination matters  and empower them  to address vaccine hesitancy, tackle the misinformation and disinformation, ensure clear communication on the benefits, risks and importance of COVID-19 vaccines and build  public confidence in vaccines.

The project aims to support and train the healthcare professionals to promote vaccination and tackle with vaccine hesitancy, to enhance their  knowledge on vaccine and vaccination and develop  skills of  communication, cultural   and social  relationship skills,  empowering  them fighting disinformation, tackling the vaccine hesitancy and improving vaccine confidence to people that are more hesitant or people from disadvantaged groups.

The project objectives are:

  • To increase the level of knowledge on vaccine and vaccination of the healthcare professionals and  support  them to  promote vaccination and tackle with vaccine hesitancy
  • To strengthen the aspects related to vaccination and immunization in the training curricula and education of healthcare professionals
  • To increase  quality in  continuing training of healthcare workers  involved in vaccination

The project will start with research on vaccination and immunization to detect the key issues and establish the topics for the Informative Guide and the partners will map on Internet for the informative resources and tools which can be used by healthcare staff for to improve update and upgrade their knowledge on vaccine and vaccination.

Then, the partners will create the info sheets, translated in all partners’ languages and will organize informative campaigns among vulnerable groups and vaccine hesitant people.

Building on the PPT/IENE Model developed in previous IENE projects, partners will establish the training Curriculum of healthcare professionals involved in vaccination and immunization aiming at enhancing their competence to tackle with vaccine hesitancy, communicate and social relationship skills to work with people coming from hard to reach groups.

The partners will create Bite sized learning tools, organized in a attractive form with links to additional resources, You tube videos, animations and other information sources collected from the Internet in CC license which will be posted on the web platform in the form of easy to navigate course in all partners’ languages to be used by healthcare staff for self learning and improve their knowledge on vaccination.

Under the coordination of Edunet, partners will create a methodology and content for a Training Course on vaccination and set up the Online Course (MOOC), aiming to train healthcare professionals to tackle with vaccine hesitancy.

The course will be delivered, piloted and evaluated during six weeks.he participants will increase their knowledge about vaccination, cultural awareness and cultural knowledge about hesitant and vulnerable people , their thinking and cultural beliefs in front of vaccination and increase their skills to inform , advice about vaccination, promote and advocacy combat misunderstanding and myths of vaccination , influence, get trust, persuade and improve vaccine confidence to hard to reach groups.

The project results:

  • A set of 20 info sheets presenting the essential, reliable and evidence-based information on various vaccine and vaccination issues with the aim of combating misinformation and fake news, debunking myths and the vaccine hesitancy
  • A Compendium of Information   Sheets on Vaccination   & Vaccination Hesitancy in English, Romanian, Spanish and Greek
  • Training Curriculum in EN, RO, EL and ES
  • A set of 20 Bite sized Learning tools in EN, RO, EL and ES
  • A MOOC e Methodology for training healthcare workers on vaccination including :
    • a) Good practices guide
    • b) Compendium of MOOC in EN, RO, ES and EL,
    • c) Kit for training the MOOC facilitators  (Result4);